Alien Tracks: Captured 15 Radio Signals from a Dwarf Galaxy

Alien researches detects Radio Signals from a Dwarf Galaxy, 3 billions light years far from Earth

Aliens could exist, but they are in a dwarf galaxy far away 3 billion light-years.

This is what Stephen Hawking, a professor of astrophysics in Cambridge and a physicist of undisputed world renown, says.

As part of a research he initiated and financed by Russian billionaire Yuri Milner with $ 100 million, researchers in the Breakthrough Listen project intercepted 15 radio signals that last only for milliseconds that could have been emitted by an extraterrestrial civilization.

He thinks, however, that the signals should be ignored:

“They would have the same interest that we have for bacteria, and if it does, they will treat us as Christopher Columbus dealt with the indigenous people he met in the new world.”

Hawking, in fact, is sure that there are life forms somewhere in the galaxies, but it is also convinced that if we were to find out, it would be better not to find out. “Aliens might come and visit us, and we would not like it at all.”

The Radio signals

The research team captured the signals on August 26th.

For precision, a burst of 15 fast radio bursts (FRBs, Fast Radio Burst) was captured in less than half an hour, all coming from a dwarf galaxy far from 3 billion light years from us.

Since they were intercepted for the first time in 2007, these mysterious and powerful signals have not yet had a clear scientific-scientific explanation.

The team admitted they did not know “where they came from” – hence the idea that they might belong to an alien civilization.

Dr Vishal Gajjar of the Berkeley University Research Center in California explained:

“We have no idea of ​​their provenance, but we know there are 30 sources in the universe that produce these signals, and one of them is repeated, which means we can only study it again and again. “.

Radio signals travel at the speed of light, and the newly captured ones have been emitted 3 billion years ago when the Earth had 2 billion years and housed only unicellular life forms.

“If an alien has sent them, he has died for a while, and if we send an answer, our civilization will be reduced to dust when delivered,” the researchers say.

The enthusiasm of the researchers, co-ordinated by Professor Vishal Gajjar, is also the star, because this time they were captured with high-resolution tools that could illuminate the mysterious atmosphere surrounding them.

The fast-paced lamps, which in a few milliseconds can release the same energy emitted by the Sun for years, were intercepted by the old Green Bank Telescope (Gbt) telescope but recently the instrument has been integrated into the so-called Breakthrough Listen.

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