The Space Telescope James Webb will replace Hubble in 2018

The James Webb Space Telescope (Hubble heir) has been completed and it will be launched in 2018

It is the largest and most powerful space telescope ever realized, and finally its development has reached the final phase in view of the launch in 2018.

We are talking about NASA’s telescope James Webb, better known as “Hubble’s Heir“. The US Space Agency has defined James Webb’s goals, which will take off in October.

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It will observe the formation of primal galaxies, stars, and nebulae. But in the viewfinder there will also be extrasolar planets, hunting for biological traces, and potentially dangerous asteroids for the Earth.

With Guaranteed Time Observations (GTO), NASA has outlined the exploration program with the help of scientists who have designed and assembled the telescope.

The Jwst is an infrared telescope with a huge mirror of six and a half feet (Hubble’s 2.4), consisting of 18 mirrors covered with a thin layer of gold.

It will be the gigantic reflective surface that will allow it to get so far in time, a few hundred million years after the Big Bang, to observe how the first galaxies were formed.

The range of discoveries that could provide the new space telescope brings us to the gates of our planet.

The focus will be on Near Earth objects, objects that could hit the Earth, and “trojan” asteroids, those on board organic elements that could have contributed to the birth of our lives.

The James Webb space telescope is the result of Nasa’s international collaboration with Esa and the Canadian Space Agency.

For this reason, scientists from around the world from the fall 2017 will be able to make proposals for observation cycle 1, waiting until October 2018 the “factotum” of space research begins its hard work in orbit.

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