This is the site section dedicated to Space, the expanse that exists between celestial bodies, including Earth. Outer space is not completely empty, but consists of a hard vacuum containing a low density of particles, predominantly a plasma of hydrogen and helium as well as electromagnetic radiation, magnetic fields, neutrinos, dust, and cosmic rays.

The articles will cover two main disciplines: Astronomy and Astrophysics.
Generally the term “Astronomy” refers to the study of matter, objects outside the Earth’s atmosphere and their physical and chemical properties.
“Astrophysics” refers to the branch of astronomy dealing with the behavior, physical properties and dynamic processes of celestial objects and other phenomena.

In some cases it is said that astronomy can be used to describe the qualitative study of the subject, where astrophysics is used to describe its physics-oriented version.

Inevitably some topics, like Universe exploration, will also concern with Aerospace Engineering and its affinities.

Why is the Solar System Flat? | UNIVERSE

Why does everything in the Solar System seem to orbit on…

2017 Solar Eclipse Will be The Most Awesome one in 99 Years

Millions of Americans will get the rare opportunity this summer to…

Falcon 9 – The “Reusable” SpaceX Rockets

The American company SpaceX is the first commercial company for aerospace equipment able to put spaceships…

Hubble: “The exoplanet hunter” strikes again!

Found the trio OGLE-2007-BLG-349 at the center of the Milky Way…

Proxima b – Another Earth “Around the Corner”

Thanks to ESO telescopes, Pale Red Dot Project astronomers have detected…

Mega Tsunamis on Mars

Between 4.5 and 3.4 billion years ago on the surface of Mars there was…

HD 131399Ab: A three-star planet

Imagine a world where the seasons last…

Intervista al Dr. Luigi Gallo sui Buchi Neri

Se fossi costretto a visitare uno dei tanti Black Holes nell’universo, quale…

Luigi Gallo – Leader nella costruzione dell’Hitomi – Osservatorio Spaziale ASTRO-H

Luigi Gallo è un astrofisico dalla doppia cittadinanza : nato a Calgary (Canada) il…

Eclipse of the Red Supermoon

On the night between the 27th and 28th of September the eclipse of the…